Achievements & Successes

Economou & Co LLC Secures Landmark Judgment in EUR 40 Million Insolvency Case

Economou & Co LLC has successfully represented a renowned financial institution in a pivotal insolvency case, securing validation of a claim [...]

Successful Judgment Enforcement in Cyprus

At Economou & Co LLC, we specialize in enforcing European judgments in Cyprus. Our recent successes in securing four garnishee proceedings in respect [...]

Economou & Co LLC Secures Significant Victory in Corporate Litigation Case

Economou & Co LLC is pleased to announce a significant victory achieved by our Corporate Litigation team in a high-stakes case involving our client, [...]

Win for Cross-Border Judgment Enforcement in Cyprus

In a notable judgment issued by the District Court of Nicosia last Monday, the Court granted a payment order in support of the enforcement of an [...]

Economou & Co LLC Appointed to Lead Investigation on USD 250 Million Cross-Jurisdictional Investigation

Economou & Co LLC is pleased to announce its appointment by a leading financial institution to lead a comprehensive investigation into a matter [...]

EUR 2 Billion Liquidation Victory by Economou & Co LLC!

We are pleased to announce that our team successfully represented a prominent financial institution in obtaining a liquidation order against its [...]

Economou & Co Facilitates AFP Adidas Padel - Padeland Partnership

Economou & Co LLC is proud to announce its significant role in securing exclusive distribution rights on behalf of its client, Padeland by Etheras [...]

Economou & Co LLC Listed in Legal 500 Directory

We are pleased to announce that Economou & Co LLC has been included in the Legal 500 directory. This recognition underscores our commitment to [...]

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